Tongue In Cheek Podcast
Welcome to the Tongue In Cheek Podcast, a show about smut, where nothing is off the table and every kink gets a seat. Join us as we go on an irreverent, hysterical, and often surprisingly revealing adventure through the wilds of this underrated smutty book genre. If you like smutt, you’ll love us.
Tongue In Cheek Podcast
Dearest Gentle Reader
Dearest Gentle Reader,
It is said that fools rush to judge while the wise watch and wait. We waited and we have watched. The looking glass does not lie nor do we. For the higher ones PR team flies, the further the season has to fall. What these authors know to be true is the crop this season of Bridgerton appears to have dried up.
Yours Truly,
Ladies ThisSeasonWasALetDown
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Intro and Outro music, Sexy Fashion Beat from Coma-Media